Happy Earth Day {2020}

Every day is earth day in our house, but on Wednesday we went a little more intense than normal.

Michael took an Earth Day Pledge and has since failed on his “shorter showers” promise. Otherwise, he’s doing great.

Earth Day pledge

We made some amazing cookies that were SO EASY. We picked a sugar cookie recipe on Pinterest (this one!), separated the dough into two bowls (go a little heavier for one of the bowls), and added food coloring (one bowl green, the bowl with more, blue, since Earth’s surface is 71% water). And mix, mix, mix.

Earth Day Cookies

Once you’ve got your colored dough bowls, pinch pieces of each dough color, combine them, (see below) and roll them lightly. If you roll them too much they’ll get marbled. Just a quick roll to combine should suffice.

Pinching cookies together

Bake per the recipe’s instructions…

Earth Day cookie dough balls

And, voila! Delicious and festive.

Earth Day cookies finished

Some of our other fun resources for learning about Mother Nature: (no affiliate links, since I can’t figure out how to do that…)

What did the tree wear to the pool party? — Swimming trunks. This and may more Earth Day jokes.

Nature Activity Book

My Encyclopedia of Very Important Animals (My Very Important Encyclopedias) 

My Encyclopedia of Very Important Dinosaurs: Discover more than 80 Prehistoric Creatures

Nature Anatomy: The Curious Parts and Pieces of the Natural World

Gross as a Snot Otter (The World of Weird Animals) 

What else should we be reading? How did you celebrate Earth Day/Week? Tell me below! 

Halloween recap {2018}

What a Halloween!

We dressed up, paraded, trick-or-treated, and ate and ate and ate.

Most of my creative juices went to Michael’s Mater costume, which was a work of art.

From the front:

Mater costume

And from the back… a working tow hook!

Mater costume

And let’s not forget the working headlamps once dusk hit! (Don’t you just love the pie tin radiator/candy dish!?)

Mater costume

Mater was WAY too big to wear to school for Michael’s class parade, so we pulled this Captain America costume out of the closet. Look at these little super heroes!

Apparently Michael grew a bit… Look at his shoes and fake shoes.

Little super heroes

Brandon and I phoned in our outfits, thanks to Target. They were fun and easy– fine by me!

Waldo Halloween costume

Of course we had some festive eats too… Our many-layer dip was so easy and paired perfectly with orange and black chips from Wegmans:

Halloween seven layer dip

And some sweet treats, “blood” courtesy of food coloring and corn syrup, applied with an infant medicine dropper, edible axes made by Wilton, bought by me:

Bloody ax cupcakes

We carved pumpkins too. All around, the perfect holiday!

Carving pumpkins