{Gone Pinning} Memorial Day mocktails


I’m more than halfway through my pregnancy and as the weather warms up, I want nothing more than a refreshing cocktail. While I know that I CAN drink during pregnancy, I’m opting against it for the most part. I’ve had a few sips of wine but I’ll be sticking to the mocktails this weekend and into the summer months.

Here are some of the delicious-looking mocktails I’ve found Pinterest:

Blackberry fauxjito

Blackberry fauxjito

Pear basil sipper 

Pear basil sipper

Ginger beer mojitos 

Ginger beer mojitos

Strawberry lemonade -- a classic!

Strawberry lemonade — a classic!

Blueberry mint lemonade

Blueberry mint lemonade

Dark invader

Dark invader

And these booze-filled cocktails also look good. I can just omit the booze and they’ll taste more-or-less the same, right!?

Blackberry margarita

Blackberry margarita

Peach Mango Pineapple White Sangria 

Peach Mango Pineapple White Sangria

Strawberry and peach sangria

Strawberry and peach sangria

Sstrawberry and rhubarb sangria

Strawberry and rhubarb sangria

Cheers to the long weekend and our expected Seattle sun! 

Easter treats


Somehow it’s April and Easter is already this weekend. We’re not religious, but we are looking forward to celebrating with baskets of candy, great company and a wonderful meal.

Setting the tone for a day full of sweets, we’ll start the day with these festive cinnamon rolls:

Easter breakfast of champions

Easter breakfast of champions

We’ve been assigned dessert for the main meal and I can’t decide what to make! There are too many great ideas! Maybe I’ll make a smorgasbord of items! Yes, that sounds like a great idea. Here are the front runners:

A platter of chocolate-covered strawberries

A platter of chocolate-covered strawberries

Bunny butt cookies 

Bunny butt cookies 

Cookie fruit cups

Cookie fruit cups

Coconut bunnies-- How cute would candy eyes be on these!?

Coconut bunnies– How cute would candy eyes be on these!?

Oreos pudding cups with chocolate-covered strawberries, err, carrots

Oreos pudding cups with chocolate-covered strawberries, err, carrots

Nest cookies with eggs (and maybe Peeps?!)

Nest cookies with eggs (and maybe Peeps?!)

I’ve compiled a lot of great Easter ideas over on Pinterest. Check them all out here. And have a wonderful weekend, however you plan to celebrate it!

Spring has sprung {2015}

It’s here! It’s here! Happy spring to you!

Here on Megan’s Island and in the Pacific Northwest, we never really saw a winter (sorry to rub it in, east coast) so this spring transition isn’t as big as it is some years.

Look, this Magnolia tree is almost done with this round of blooming! It’s been spring for SO long here!

It's raining flowers on Megan's Island!

It’s raining flowers on Megan’s Island!

With the days getting longer and warmer, I’ve scoured the internet for some ideas to help spring shine inside and out.



Tulip wreath 

Tulip wreath

Flower cookie bowls

Flower cookie bowls

So many other great things about spring: Easter, baseball, tulips, the list goes on!

Here are some more signs of spring in our yard!

Signs of spring in the backyard

Signs of spring in the backyard

Flowers for days!!

Flowers for days!!

For all of my finds, visit my “Sunshine-y days” Pinterest Board! And get out there and enjoy the warm sun-showers!

Super Super Bowl snacks


Yesterday I shared some super Super Bowl sips. To help soak up some of that booze, here are my super Super Bowl snack ideas.

Chili bar

Chili bar

Chili bar

Nacho bar

Nacho bar

Nacho bar

Football bowl 

Dip in a custom football bread bowl

Dip in a custom football bread bowl

A guac football field

A guac football field

A guac football field

Team-specific candied popcorn

Everyone loves popcorn!

Everyone loves popcorn!

And on to dessert!

Chocolate-covered strawberries

Healthy, cute and delicious! The perfect combo!

Healthy, cute and delicious! The perfect combo!


So many ideas!

So many ideas!

Chocolate peanut butter football cookies

Peanut butter + chocolate + football = Yes, please!

Peanut butter + chocolate + football = Yes, please!

Ice cream sandwich footballs!

So cute, so tasty!

So cute, so tasty!

Brownie footballs! (As featured on my Q13 segment to kick off the 2014-15 NFL season!)

Q13 tailgating segment

However you end up snacking, you know it’s going to be good! Let me know if you end up trying out any of these great ideas! Oh, and GO HAWKS!!

{Gone Pinning} Leather anniversary gifts


Woah. It’s already mid-September. Where did the time go!? Brandon and I are getting ready to celebrate our THIRD wedding anniversary on September 24 and it’s past time for me to get a gift for my beloved. We’ve already celebrated our cotton and paper anniversaries by giving one another gifts to fit the traditional anniversary themes. Again this year, I’m on the hunt for great, “traditional” gift ideas. This time, I’m looking for leather gifts.

Here are some fun ideas, courtesy of Etsy and Pinterest.

A romantic leather rose, perhaps?

A romantic leather rose, perhaps?

This leather BBQ mitt is pretty fun...

This leather BBQ mitt is pretty fun…

A personalized scrapbook? Scrapbook

A personalized scrapbook?

Or a leather key chain?

Or a leather key chain?

We like to travel, maybe this leather luggage tag?

We like to travel, maybe this leather luggage tag?

I almost like this one more...

I almost like this one more…

This make-up/whiskey/miscellaneous leather bag is nice...

This make-up/whiskey/miscellaneous leather bag is nice…

A wallet card is a fun idea... and so affordable!

A wallet card is a fun idea… and so affordable!

A leather flash? Maybe...

A leather flask? Maybe…

I may or may not have one (or more!) of these already in mind for Brandon. I also may or may not have already bought something not listed here. It’s a secret for a few more weeks!

Have a great weekend!

{Gone Pinning} Fall… in July?


We’ve had a beautiful summer so far, but lately it’s taken a bit of a turn and we’ve had “Seattle Fall” weather the past couple of days. And? I love it. The sun and our 80 degree temps are set to return this weekend, so until then I’m celebrating this “Gone Pinning” Friday with some of my fall favorites, a preview of what to expect a few months from now…

I love fall!!

I love fall!!

Mushroom season!

Mushroom season!

Sail gating!!!! (Although tailgating works too!)

Sail gating!!!! (Although tailgating works too!)

Fall foliage

Fall foliage

And finally...

And finally…

Happy mid-summer to you! (And happy almost-fall!!!)

{Gone Pinning} Backyard bench


Happy weekend! Last weekend we spent many hours cleaning and staining the deck, planting and re-planting new plants, rearranging the yard and plotting future projects.

Here was the main focus of my plotting: the lower deck in the backyard:

Lower deck, in need of a bench

Lower deck, in need of a bench

Then it was off to Pinterest to find some good ideas to fill in that gap in the laurel that looks right at the neighbor’s house, provide some extra seating for all the parties we’re planning for this summer, and finish off the lower deck. Beyond finishing the pizza oven, this is the only thing we really have left in the back, which is AWESOME!

So, here are some of my ideas. Let me know your thoughts. We’ll have our Megan’s Island contractor/supervisor (my Dad) over here soon and I look forward to sharing the finished product with you shortly.

Standard bench with backrest

Standard bench with backrest

Another basic bench, this one without a back. This could double as a storage location.

Another basic bench, this one without a back. This could double as a storage location.

Maybe something in between? I do like adding a planter into the bench design

Maybe something in between? I do like adding a planter into the bench design.

A more modern look, with a concrete planter as part of the base

A more modern look, with a concrete planter as part of the base

Or a bench that matches our front fence?

Or a bench that matches our front fence?

So many great ideas. I’m looking forward to talking it out and making a design decision this weekend. Have a great Easter and rest of the weekend!

{Gone Pinning} Spring break!


We tried to celebrate Brandon’s spring break from school this week, but circumstances beyond our control made that less of a reality. We did use “spring break” as our theme of the week for dinners, but the rest, relaxation and sun weren’t in our cards this week. But man, doesn’t that sound nice? I can almost see/smell/hear the sounds of the waves now…

Since I don’t have the time to travel to a fancy tropical location, I scoured the interwebs (thank you, Pinterest) for some things that get me in the mood for spring, sun and relaxation. Enjoy!

Hawaii: Yes, please  

Hawaii: Yes, please

Beach: yes, please 

Beach: yes, please

Cocktails? Yes, please.

Strawberry tequila lemonade: yes, please 

Strawberry tequila lemonade: yes, please

Kiwi blueberry mojitos: yes, please 

Kiwi blueberry mojitos: yes, please

Adult Capri Suns (vodka + lemonade): yes, please

Adult Capri Suns (vodka + lemonade): yes, please

And to drink all of this safely by the pool?

Plastic wine glasses: yes, please 

Plastic wine glasses: yes, please

Some tropical-inspired foods? Yes, please.

Monkeying around with lots of tropical fruits

Monkeying around with lots of tropical fruits

Grilled avocado salsa: yes, please 

Grilled avocado salsa: yes, please

Citrus-y cilantro shrimp: yes, please 

Citrus-y cilantro shrimp: yes, please

Vietnamese summer roll salad: yes, please 

Vietnamese summer roll salad: yes, please

{Gone Pinning} Snacks for finals


School is not in my recent past or immediate future, but school is challenging for Brandon this quarter. Thankfully, he’s just finishing up the last week of the quarter and next week is FINALS week.

How can I help? With finals snacks! Where do I go to find some delicious, nutritious snacks for Brandon and his cohort? PINTEREST! In case you’re also supplying study treats over the next week, I’ve scoured the internet for some great ideas. Don’t worry, these are great for non-finals times too.

Snack combos

Snack combos



No bake energy bites

No bake energy bites

Chocolate raspberries

Chocolate raspberries

Power snacks

Power snacks

And maybe some not-so-healthy options…(via my “Sweets for my sweets” board)

Funfetti cookies

Funfetti cookies

S'more krispie treats

S’more krispie treats

Happy snacking! And good luck on finals!

{Gone Pinning} Luck ‘o the Irish


Irish cake toppersI can’t believe that St. Patty’s day is already next week, on Monday, March 17. This year is flying by, which is good because I’m over all of this rain we’ve been having. I’ve scoured the internet for some great ideas to make your St. Patrick’s day a golden success.

We’ll be enjoying corned beef (my favorite!), potatoes, and cabbage, and if you’re not a corned beef-aholic like I am, here are some other fun Irish ideas:

Irish beef stew

Irish beef stew

Shamrock tortilla chips

Shamrock tortilla chips

Maybe we’ll deviate a little bit and combine our two favorite things: corned beef (mine) and pot pie (Brandon’s):

Corned beef pot pie

Corned beef pot pie

Corned beef and cabbage soup

Corned beef and cabbage soup

We’re always looking for desserts…

Sweet And Salty Guinness Chocolate Pie With Beer Marshmallow Meringue

Sweet And Salty Guinness Chocolate Pie With Beer Marshmallow Meringue

St. Patty's day bars

St. Patty’s day bars

Baileys Irish Cream Cookies

Baileys Irish Cream Cookies

Check out all of my ideas on my “Luck ‘o the Irish” Pinterest board. And have a wonderful St. Patty’s day!